
About Me

Hello, and welcome.
My name's Emma and I'm a marketing professional based in Newcastle upon Tyne. I graduated from Northumbria University in July of 2010 with a 2:1 in Public Relations and communication. I originally started this blog to chronicle my job search, which proved a long and often frustrating process. However it proved a great way to showcase my work and opinions, so even though I'm now employed full time, I've decided to continue it on. Hopefully I'll be able to pass on some useful information to graduates looking to make their way in the industry, as well as enhancing my own skills. You can read more about my job search in the older blog posts or in my guest column for the Vox Pop PR website at

I can be contacted through this blog, or on twitter. I'm always interested to hear from people who read my blog so please feel free to get in touch.